Largest Kashmiri Folk Dance
Largest Kashmiri Folk Dance ever performed by 11543 young women at Kashur Riwaaj Cultural Fest on occasion of 78th Independence Day. In a...
Largest Kashmiri Folk Dance
Largest Tavil Ensemble
Largest Poorakkali
Largest Chin & Nose Painting
Largest Herbal Saplings Distribution
Largest Number of Paintings of Lord Ganesha
Largest Number of Drawings of Lord Ganesha
Largest Malayalam Handwritten Bible
Largest Cement Relief Sculpture
Largest Chin and Nose Painting
Largest Collection of Birthday Currencies
Largest Portrait of Dr B R Ambedkar
Largest Same Name Gathering
Largest Human Insignia
Largest underwater portrait
Largest Flower Portrait
Largest Rubiks Cube Mosaic/Portrait
Largest De-addiction Online Pledges
The Largest Flag Of Russia Deployed In Antarctica